Friday 16 May 2014

Starting with my first blog

Hi guys, this is Mohit who is a common engineering student and as usual wants to achieve something great in life but doesn't know what to do. So here I am writing my first blog just to get rid of the fear of writing. I just read that if you want to do something in your life then either do it now or forget about it. I am a student of electronics and communication engineering in PEC university of technology, chandigarh but I am more interested in Learning computer science. I have learnt some basic languages but the thing I love the most is algorithms. I think we all should be mesmorized by the beauty of algorithms and we owe them a lot for this huge revolution in computer science industry. So i hope to learn many new concepts as I am nearing an end to my college life and I would love to share these concepts with you. I would like to get some response from you guys as well.
